Why Kanye West And Other Free Speech Advocates Need Bitcoin
Candace Owens reported that Kanye West’s bank accounts with JPMorgan Chase were closed. Ye needs to adopt bitcoin in order to exchange value. The below is a direct excerpt of…
Learning About Bitcoin Is The Path To Financial Freedom
Bitcoin breaks the financial bonds created by the monopolization of money. This is an opinion editorial by The Bitcoin General, a Bitcoin proponent, seeker of truth, respecter of individuality and…
Gaming To Earn Bitcoin While Bitcoining To Game Earning
Life is one game after another, and just because bitcoin is sound money doesn’t mean it is any different. This is an opinion editorial by Tyler Parks, who has a…
Turn On, Tune In And Take Charge With Bitcoin
The change in mindset and framing induced by learning about Bitcoin mirrors a psychedelic experience. This is an opinion editorial by Yasin Chowdhury, host of the Miami Bitcoin Meetup and…
Stella Assange, Wife Of Imprisoned WikiLeaks Founder, Fights For Power Against Authority At Bitcoin Amsterdam
At Bitcoin Amsterdam, Stella Assange advocated for her husband Julian’s freedom, drawing parallels between Bitcoin and WikiLeaks. Disclaimer: Bitcoin Magazine is owned and operated by BTC Inc, the organizer of…
How Bitcoin Can Help The 10 Million Unbanked Citizens Of The Philippines
Problems with corruption and the economy in the Philippines are emblematic of much of the developing world. And Bitcoin can help. This is an opinion editorial by Jiro Reyes, CEO…
Tor Is Under Attack And Bitcoiners Must Help Fix It
With a lack of funding, the Tor project is struggling to defend against denial-of-service attacks, putting Bitcoin projects at risk. This is an opinion editorial by Max Hillebrand, the CEO…
A Shift To Renewables Will Optimize Bitcoin Mining
A renewable energy mix of solar, wind and hydropower will improve bitcoin mining profitability while helping efforts to combat climate change. This is an opinion editorial by Jerry Usman, an…