The Unending Desire To Talk About Bitcoin With Others
Bitcoin stokes an inner curiosity about the nature of money and other seemingly topics. Once it clicks, it’s hard to refrain from telling everyone. This is a transcribed excerpt of…
If You Care About Bitcoin, You Should Onboard People Individually
Bitcoiners want to help other people adopt bitcoin. There are many methods to do this, but in-person conversations work best. How many people can you onboard? This is an opinion…
Bitcoin Is Here To Stay And Bitcoiners Aren’t Going Anywhere
Though some people are denouncing Bitcoin Maximalism, the ethics of Bitcoin are stronger than ever and the number of Bitcoiners is only growing. This is a transcribed excerpt of “Bitcoin…
Bitcoin Adoption Happens Fastest In Circular Economies
Enabling the regular usage of bitcoin is the most important step to bringing bitcoin adoption to remote places that need sound money. This is an opinion editorial by Kudzai Kutukwa,…
Bitcoin’s Utility Is Easy To See When Traveling Around The World
When visiting emerging markets, it’s easy to observe bitcoin being used by locals. Sometimes it takes getting outside our comfort zone to shed our biases. This is a transcribed excerpt…
Using Bitcoin To Power Philanthropy
Bitcoin unlocks incredible benefits for organizations which seek to create positive social change in the world. This is an opinion editorial by Renata Rodrigues, global community and education lead at…
Thinking Of Bitcoin Like A Human Resources Department
There are different ideas used in HR that can be extracted and applied to the Bitcoin community. This is an opinion editorial by Maxx Mannheimer, a former sales account manager…
Unless Something Changes, Bitcoin Adoption In The West Will Be KYC’d
Currently, Western bitcoin adoption is largely dominated by centralized, KYC and AML compliant exchanges. This is an opinion editorial by Robert Hall, a content creator and small business owner. What…