Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

Category: draft law

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Russian Parliament Votes on Bill Opening Door for Digital Ruble

Russian lawmakers have approved a draft law facilitating the implementation of the digital version of the national currency, the ruble. The legislation amends various other acts to introduce definitions and…

Lawmakers to Resubmit Russia’s Crypto Mining Bill, Introduce Liability for ‘Gray’ Miners

The draft law legalizing cryptocurrency mining will be resubmitted to Russian parliament which will postpone its adoption, one of its sponsors announced. Members of the lower house are also working…

Amendments to Russia’s Digital Asset Law Aim to Allow Mining, Ban Crypto Exchange and Ads

Russian lawmakers have proposed changes to the current law “On Digital Financial Assets” in order to regulate crypto mining while banning the circulation of cryptocurrencies in the country. The legislation…

Indonesia to Change Crypto Regulators as Part of Plan for Stricter Oversight

The government of Indonesia wants to assign crypto supervision to the Asian nation’s financial watchdog in order to ensure better protection for investors. The move is part of a planned…

Draft Law Seeks to Oblige Kazakhstan’s Crypto Miners to Exchange Bulk of Income in Country

Cryptocurrency miners in Kazakhstan are to be required to convert up to three quarters of their income on locally registered exchanges, according to a new bill that’s advancing in the…

Russia Said to Allow Crypto Mining in Regions With Hydroelectric and Nuclear Power

Cryptocurrency mining should be allowed in areas with excess energy and prohibited in those that experience deficits, according to Russian officials preparing to legalize it. An expert from the crypto…

Russian Businesses to Choose Which Crypto to Use for Cross-Border Settlements, Lawmaker Says

Russian companies may start transacting in cryptocurrency with partners abroad as early as next year and will be free to pick the coin they want to use, officials in Moscow…

Sanctions, Disagreements Hamper Regulation of Crypto Mining in Russia, Experts Say

The changing geopolitical and economic environment, as well as persisting differences between responsible government institutions, are hindering the advance of legislation tailored to regulate cryptocurrency mining in Russia. According to…

Putin Signs Law Prohibiting Payments With Digital Assets in Russia

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has signed into law a bill banning payments with digital financial assets. The legislation obliges exchange operators to refuse to process transactions facilitating the use…